G2S Pickin’ Patch

Prince Albert

“G2S Pickin’ Patch grows several varieties of fruit of various cultivars; the objective being to provide customers with a summer long fresh fruit experience. The ripening / availability order of fruit is generally: honeyberries (Haskap), strawberries, raspberries, sour cherries, saskatoons, blueberries and apples. In past years we have had good supplies of strawberries, raspberries, saskatoons and sour cherries. We anticipate being able to add currants (red and black) as well as rhubarb to the list of fruit available to our u-pick customers.”

PO Box 472
Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
S6V 5R8

Farm: 306 929 2091
Cell Alberta: 403 630 2091
Cell Saskatchewan: 306 981 4278

EMAIL gsquared@sasktel.net



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