Saskatoon Farmers’ Market Co-op


“Saskatoon Farmers’ Market Co-operative
The objective of the Saskatoon Farmers’ Market is to operate facilities to market agricultural products, arts and crafts produced in Saskatchewan by its members and such other products approved by Saskatchewan Department of Tourism and Small Business.”

Wild West Steelhead

Lucky Lake

“The steelhead (scientific name – Oncorhynchus mykiss) is a member of the salmon family, very similar to a rainbow trout. Where a rainbow trout spends its entire life in fresh water, steelhead are equally at home in either fresh or salt water. fish
Wild West produces the following products:
* dressed
* head-off dressed
* boneless fresh fillets
* boneless frozen fillets
* candied steelhead”

Farmgate Food

Regina Area

“Regina Saskatchewan’s best choice for local organic whole food.
We sell organic free run eggs, pastured chicken, pastured pork, grass-fed lamb, and angus beef.
We are truly local to Regina (only 30 km) and our land is certified organic.
We are a family farm.
We sell directly to consumers.
We sell frozen meat in variety packs (pre-order home delivery).
We sell eggs and cuts of meat at Regina Farmers Market
We care for animals – low stress management, no hormones, no antibiotics, etc.
We care for the land – no pesticides, no herbicides, no chemical fertilizer”

Daybreak Sheresky Mill


“Daybreak-Scheresky Mill has farmed without the use of pesticides, herbicides, man made fertilizers or anything synthetic since 1987. We farm this way for the principle of it, realizing that all the chemicals were taking us no where, but to poor soil health and and putting unhealthy food into the food chain. In 1996 Daybreak-Scheresky Mill received our first organic certification. We are not large farmers by todays standard but we try to capitalize on what we have rather than go larger and work on volume.”