Spring Valley Boer Goats


Registered Purebred & Percentage Boers

“With past backgrounds in both purebred beef cattle and holstein cattle, we are firmly rooted in agriculture and are familiar with the careful selection it takes to build up a herd of productive and efficient females that meet the needs of both the terminal and replacement breeding stock markets.

Our primary business is our family-run butcher shop where we market a combination of homegrown and locally raised fresh meat products. Our work in the butcher shop means we see first-hand the importance of meat animals that are well muscled, fast growing and high yeilding. Our experience with beef cattle has helped us to see the benefits of performance testing and how using this data can help to select for those fast growing and high yeilding individuals mentioned above. As a result, we are taking full advantage of using the Goat Herd Improvement Program (GHIP) and the Type Evaluation Program, both offered by the Canadian Meat Goat Association.

As a foundation for our Boer herd we have selected animals that are structurally sound and from healthy, solid, productive families and herds. We are using the aforementioned tools to work towards our goals of top performance type animals with sound structure and that remain true to breed standards. We want our customers to be able to rely on our stock to bring about improvements in their own herds. On our website you will see up-to-date performance information on all animals where it is available in order to help you make your own informed decisions when purchasing stock to add to your herd. Please feel free to contact us at any time with questions about individual animals. We are happy to work with you in purchasing animals that are the right fit for the goals you are trying to achieve in your own herd.”


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